Cibus TuttoFood Milano

Export strategy: how to master the international landscape


In 2016/17 Italian export has totalled 427 billion euros , the highest record ever. This is an encouraging figure, revealing that export is leading Italian businesses out of the crisis. The recently published book "Marketing dei Prodotti Enogastronomici all'Estero. Guida completa per l'export delle eccellenze italiane'' by Slawka G. Scarso, Luciana Squadrilli, Rita Lauretti (in English “International Marketing for Food and Wine Products. A complete guide to the export of Italian excellence”) advises companies to develop a clear strategy before venturing into new markets.

But how can Italian businesses successfully export their products abroad? Here’s a few tips to get started:

1. Choose your market carefully
Start with an accurate analysis of the market you want to launch in. A great source of information is the info Mercati Esteri webpage by the Farnesina which includes data per country and sector.

2. Get the product right
While Italian products are enjoyed all over the world, each country comes with its own preferences when it comes to food and drinks. It is therefore sensible to conduct extensive research, test the product on site and make the necessary adjustments before launching it onto the market.

3. Find the right resources
The company’s staff should have (or should be trained to have) the right set of skills to effectively contribute to company’s new direction; this includes speaking the language and understanding the legislations of the country of destination. Alternatively, an export consultant is a highly specialised figure that can provide valuable insight.

4. Tell your story
A clear brand identity will inform the marketing strategy and comms activities including the website and social media. These should be tailored to the country’s individual sensitivities, while still conveying the company’s story and key messages.

Do you want to find out how Bellavita can help you showcase your products abroad? Send us an email at [email protected]