Cibus TuttoFood Milano

Strongwells - Importer of Italian Beverages to Attend Bellavita London


Strongwells appeared on the UK market in 2015, as a wholesaler of fine Italian spirits carefully selected by Antonio Beneforti. A company that attempts to 'tell a story through the glass'. A side project of Beneforti's craft beers, the beverages that are chosen are renowned for their distinct taste and flavour combinations which make them an ideal investment for buyers.

Scouring Italy for the best traditional and innovative produce, Strongwells aim to promote the individual natural ingredients by returning to traditional and aesthetically pleasing packaging, making sure that their beverages compliment their regional identity and recipes.  Examples include their Macchia Vermouths which use carefully selected botanical ingredients from Sardinia and their Liquore Delle Sirene Bitter, with its distinctly bright and golden colours.

Another star of their increasingly growing portfolio is their 'VKA MAGNIFICA VODKA TOSCANA',  a unique product billed as the first Tuscan organic vodka crafted in Mugello sine w spirit is the embodiment of the character, tradition, innovation, strength and elegance of Tuscany produce using natural resources both from its land, the water and the workers. Combining the Tuscan organic grain and the Apennine water with all natural ingredients, it has provided an instantly timeless and refreshing taste of Italy in every glass since its inception in 2013.

Visitors to Bellavita Expo will have the opportunity to try their bespoke range of products so don't miss your chance by visiting Bellavita Expo London.