Trentino-Alto Adige
Via della Mendola, 49/B Bolzano - Italy
Trentino-Alto Adige.png
Alpeker was born in 2012 in the beautiful setting of South Tyrol, from a strong passion for food and the aim of preserving and enhancing typical artisanal gastronomic specialties through the freezing process. During the years, our offer has evolved not only in the branch of regional specialties but our selection has expanded to include innovative, high quality, fast and easy to prepare dishes. Our offer includes various brands and product categories among which first courses, bread, desserts, seafood, fruit and ice creams. Among our top products you can find Yogurteria Merano, the one and only Frozen Yogurt made from 75% of fresh yogurt and milk from South Tyrol.

Company Details

Categories Frozen
Certificates IFS (Standard International Food Standard GDO), ORGANIC
Distribution Channels Mass distribution - GDO
Year Established 2012
Worldwide Presence United Arab Emirates
Targeted Countries France, Germany, Spain, United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada, Japan, China, Australia, South Korea, Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Israel, Qatar, Saudi Arabia
Produces Private-Label Not Yet
Employees -


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