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LUCE® PASTA - Exclusive products line

The top of research and development of AmoreTerra is Luce® flour, a unique product obtained cultivating together 9 varieties of ancient wheats at more than 850 meters high and grinding them by stone.
To enhance and protect this product we created a brand that guarantees the presence of different ancient wheats, cultivated on the same field, on the mountain and the slow stone milling cultivation.

Some years ago, together with Casa Minelli farm of #FilieraAmoreTerra, we decided to start an ambitious project: we wanted to cultivate several varieties of ancient wheats in the same field. We did it to protect the wheat’s biodiversity, threatened by industrial selection that favors a handful of high-gluten varieties and to rediscover the riches and prosperities of ancient wheat.

Thanks to an antique machinery to select seeds, we chose the best grains of some ancient varieties cultivated for decades in the company: Gentil Rosso, Mentana, Verna, Marzuolo, Autonomia,
Inallettabile, Terminillo e Risciola. Nature rewards us by the growing of a rare wheat, called “miracle grain”, a natural wheat mentioned also in the Ancient Testament.

We chose to cultivate those wheats in an organic way on the mountain, where most pests are not present and during the winter, the snow keeps the grounds hydrated and protected. A winning choice: we have seen spikes change their aspects from year to year, adapt to the territory and weather and become always more productive: a natural and spontaneous process of species improvement.

The grind is developed in that stone mill from the1800s. It uses a rock of stone at a speed of 60 revolutions per minute (against the 80-120 of normal stone grinding). That process doesn’t overheat the wheat, which keeps therefore unchanged its organoleptic characteristics, and doesn’t delate the important wheat germ, rich of vitamins and mineral salts.

The result is a unique flour,very fragrant and tasty. It’s easily digestible since the selected varieties have its origin in an ancient time, when wheat intolerances were almost unknown. Moreover, it’s good for health: according to lots of studies, ancient wheats have a positive effect on cholesterol, intestine, inflammatory state and on cellular oxidation.

This flour is perfect also for pasta production. It’s hand made and dried to very low temperatures. This flour Luce® pasta presents an high digestibility, an excellent endurance during the cooking and an aromatic and persistent taste. We created a brand of pasta which doesn’t need sauces: We called it ’’Ready with a trickle of oil’’.

The low gluten index, makes that flour perfect for backed products. The particular taste of ancient wheats gives flavours and fragrances impossible to find in other wheats. The handmade manufacturing allows to exalt organoleptic characteristics of Luce® flour and to create a tasty high quality product for pleasure and health 

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