I Tartufi Di Teo

Via di monti 11, 56037 Ghizzano Peccioli (PI)
I Tartufi Di Teo
San Luigi farm was born in 2009 following a renovation of an old cottage property. The company was then converted to organic in 2014. Our dream was to transform our passion for truffles in a real business. Hence the idea of short chain of the truffle from the collector to the consumer. Our company is family owned and hunted directly thanks our dogs.

Our is the First company in Italy to have obtained Organic Certification of the truffle in 2014. In 2015 then comes our product line with organic truffle that we produce in our small workshop craftsmanship in the company. In our organic products truffle is paired with raw materials excellence of our territory, in our ingredients are not present aromas of synthesis and the production follows the seasonality of the truffle. In the farm there is a shop where you can buy fresh truffle and our organic truffle products.

Company Details

Categories Fruit, Vegetables & Pulses
Certificates -
Distribution Channels
Year Established 2009
Worldwide Presence -
Targeted Countries -
Produces Private-Label Not Specified
Employees -


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