La Gentile srl

Via Bergolo n. 29 12074 Cortemilia Cuneo
La Gentile srl
La Gentile s.r.l. was founded in 1964 by Carlo Canova and his wife Caterina Ferrari and to date the heirs still hold control and ownership. 
We were the first hazelnut transformers that used industrial methods to produce ingredients for the professional user. 
Today we are the main transformer of nocciola Piemonte IGP and the activity takes place on two production sites: 
Sgusciatura factory, in which the storage and processing of hazelnuts in shell takes place; 
Semi-finished factory, where all the processing stages take place, from roasting, to the production of pastes and creams. 
The entire production chain is strictly controlled from a qualitative, productive and microbiological point of view and, as a confirmation of this, we can boast the most stringent certifications in the food sector since 2008. 
The main by-product of hazelnut processing is the shell that we use to replace fossil fuels as heating fuel, thus ensuring healthier and safer working environments.

Company Details

Categories Bakery, Confectionery & Snacks
Fruit, Vegetables & Pulses
Certificates -
Distribution Channels
Year Established -
Worldwide Presence -
Targeted Countries -
Produces Private-Label Not Specified
Employees -


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