La Gioiosa Prosecco

Via Erizzo 113A, 31035 Crocetta del Montello (TV)
La Gioiosa Prosecco
Not only a long tradition, but an extraordinary attitude towards innovation and research have always characterized La Gioiosa.

The desire to produce wines according to an innovative protocol aimed at high quality throughout the production cycle, from the vineyard to the bottle, according to sustainable practices, has lead over time La Gioiosa to marry and support projects such as the Wine Research Team and the certification Biodiversity Friend.

Concretizing in this way what has always been the mission of La Gioiosa For Life: to share the magic of its bubbles in the world with respect for the environment, for a healthier future for our planet.

La Gioiosa represents the tradition of viticulture that belongs to the Moretti Polegato family for generations and is in perfect symbiosis with the wines of the Prosecco, Montello and Colli Asolani lands. Its name pays tribute to the ancient name of the province of Treviso: “Marca gioiosa et amorosa” emphasizing the convivial lifestyle of its inhabitants.

The story of a family and a territory is reflected in a brand that has made immediate the association between Treviso and its most famous bubbles.

Company Details

Categories Wine & Spirits
Certificates -
Distribution Channels
Year Established -
Worldwide Presence -
Targeted Countries -
Produces Private-Label Not Specified
Employees -


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