Pellegrini srl Tuscanoption

Via Bartolini 1206 51036 Larciano
Pellegrini srl Tuscanoption

Pellegrini srl is an economic structure and represents Italian agricultural producers.

Tuscanoption (from the Latin Tusco Optionem) was born from the vision of two brothers Fabio and Luca Pellegrini, owners of a historic farm (Tuscany) in the province of Pistoia, born as early as 1958 and producer of vegetables, vegetables, wine and oil.

The main purpose of Tuscanoption since 2008 is to enhance and safeguard the traditions and biodiversity of the local area, addressing all the actors belonging to the agricultural supply chain.
The noble commitment of the Tuscanoption project is to offer a wide range of services aimed at informing, relating, sensitizing the producer and the final consumer, so that they can choose / buy, services / products in a more conscious way, making the most of local tourism .

Company Details

Categories Pasta, Rice, Flour & Pizza
Charcuterie & Meat
Cheese & Dairy
Bakery, Confectionery & Snacks
Cooking sauces, Canned Food, Spreads & Preserves
Oil & Vinegar
Fruit, Vegetables & Pulses
Wine & Spirits
Certificates BRC (Standard British Retail Consortium GDO), IFS (Standard International Food Standard GDO), ORGANIC, PGI - Protected Geographical Indication
Distribution Channels GDO Horeca PRIVATI
Year Established 1950
Worldwide Presence Italy
Targeted Countries Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America
Produces Private-Label Yes
Employees -


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