San Rustico

Via Pozzo 2, 37020 Valgatara di Marano di Valpolicella (VR)
San Rustico
The company enjoys a venerable tradition of wine production from 1870 when the first family vineyard was cultivated in the ‘Gaso’ region, high in the hills above Marano di Valpolicella.

The activity inherited by great-grandfather Luigi, well-know winemaker ambassador in the world (as it attests the gold medal received in Copenhagen during 1908) was handed on from father to son.

Today the brothers Marco and Enrico Campagnola, after the death of their father Danilo, continues the activity with passion and devotion, faithful to the wine making traditions of the Valpolicella Classica.

Marco and Enrico, respectively oenologist and agronomist, personally follow each stage of production: from the cultivation of vineyards and subsequent selection and hand picking of the grapes, to the traditional drying and ageing methods that are unique to the classic Valpolicella region. In short, from the vine to the bottle.

Company Details

Categories Wine & Spirits
Certificates -
Distribution Channels
Year Established 1870
Worldwide Presence -
Targeted Countries -
Produces Private-Label Not Specified
Employees -


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