Società Agricola Monte Monaco srl

Contrada San Ruffino, 28 - 63857 AMANDOLA (FM)
Società Agricola Monte Monaco srl
From the heart of the Sibillini Mountains, land of longevity and cradle of the "Mediterranean Diet",
comes the 100% organic vegetables flour Pasta Monte Monaco.

Chickpeas, lentils, broad beans and peas grown with simple and traditional methods on organic land
between the headwaters of the rivers Aso and Tenna, growing in a pristine environment.

The grain, naturally gluten free, high in protein and fiber and lower carbohydrate intake, is skilfully
stone ground and mixed with water, than becomes the ideal mixture for the production of Pasta
100% organic legume flour Monte Monaco.

The special bronze drawing and slow drying at low temperatures guarantee 100% organic legume
flour Pasta Monte Monaco the integral conservation of nutritional characteristics typical of

Pasta Monte Monaco 100% organic flour legumes, well structured and wrinkled, pleasant to the
taste, is ideal for those who love food to delight your palate with tasty, healthy and light.
For its organoleptic qualities, fits perfectly with vegetable sauces.

It is also recommended for: fish, wild herbs and pancetta (chick peas pasta), white pork sauce, wild
boar, duck, mushrooms and Bacon, cheese and pepper (lentils pasta), artichokes and pecorino
cheese, cream cheese, summer cold starters (peas and broad beans)

Pasta with legumes Monte Monaco fully meets the needs of consumers sensitive to organic, vegan
consumers, gluten-free consumers.

Società Agricola Monte Monaco Srls is the brainchild of Vittorio Pedrelli, scholar of far-flung
traditions, for years engaged in research and development of a production process for the
production of 100% organic legumes flour pasta.

For generations engaged in the cultivation of organic soils between the headwaters of the rivers
Tenna and Aso in the heart of the Sibillini National Parc, motivated by love for the environment and
for human beings, through the adoption of sustainable farming methods and low environmental
impact, he can make with chickpeas, lentils, broad beans and peas of his lands a pasta rich nutrients
donated spontaneously by nature.

Legume processing takes place, following the ancient local traditions, without chemical

Company Details

Categories Pasta, Rice, Flour & Pizza
Fruit, Vegetables & Pulses
Certificates BRC (Standard British Retail Consortium GDO), FSMA Food Safety System FDA, ORGANIC
Distribution Channels
Year Established 2017
Worldwide Presence Denmark, Poland, Switzerland, United States of America
Targeted Countries -
Produces Private-Label Yes
Employees -


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