Tulone Olio - Sicily

C.da Baiata ss115 92019 Sciacca (Ag)
Tulone Olio - Sicily
The Tulone Oil rises in the beautiful tranquil scenery of the countryside of Sciacca, one of the most popular areas for olive cultivation in Sicily. 
With a modern milling plant with cold extraction system in a continuous loop entirely in stainless steel, they are pressed the olives harvested wisely by farmers in the shortest time, to obtain an oil of excellent quality that retains all of the valuable characteristics. 
The oil obtained is stored in our capacious silos to accommodate  the natural settling process to be then packaged.
Our company in addition to the classic extra virgin olive oil, produces  also the certificate oil DOP Val di Mazara, Sicily PGI natural oil  Organic and a wide range of tasty and flavored oils.

Company Details

Categories Oil & Vinegar
Certificates -
Distribution Channels
Year Established 1915
Worldwide Presence -
Targeted Countries -
Produces Private-Label Not Specified
Employees -


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