Avd. dels Ports, 46, Horta de Sant Joan, 43596 Tarragona
Alanterres SLU

Following a long family tradition, we dedicate to the land.  Our olives groves are located within the Biosphere Reserve of Lands of the Ebro River, so declared by UNESCO.  This space aims to promote the sustainable use of natural resources and the conservation and protection of biodiversity.  Our lands location, at an altitude of five hunderd meters above the sea level, and  a dry Mediterranean climate provide the ideal environment for the harmonius maturation, needed to obtain the best quality olives.  We have applied organic agriculture methods since 2006 and our oils are certified by the European Community through the CCPAE (Consell Catala de la Produccio Agraria Ecologica).  As a complement, for weeds control
we have in our lands a herd of horses of the Pyrenees that minimizes mecanical removal of weeds, and also work actively in the conservation of the forests that surround the cutivation terraces to protect the environment and ensure the sustainability of our activity.

Company Details

Sezioni Olio e Aceto
Certificazioni FSMA Food Safety System FDA, BIO
Canali di distribuzione Specialty stores, grocery stores, distributors, online
Anno di fondazione 2010
Paesi dove esporta attualmente Belgium, Germany, Spain, United Kingdom, United States of America
Paesi target Austria, Canada, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, Japan, Sweden
Per private-label Non Ancora
Numero di dipendenti 5 plus specific areas' contractors


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