Calabraittica S.n.c.

Strada San Francesco, 1 89020 Anoia (RC)
Calabraittica S.n.c.

Calabraittica is a well-established company, specializing in high-quality fish products, operating in southern Italy. 
Calabraittica is renowned for carefully selecting the ingredients, choosing only the best Italian seasonings, with no added chemical preservatives, which fully express the genuine characteristics of a rich and healthy territory. In Calabraittica the craftsmanship is still the same and can be seen in its rustic “difference” and natural colours: the bright silver of the fish colouration is the most evident sign of the freshness of the catch and fine art in the processing. The fish is caught using an old technique typical of southern Italy called “fishing light attractor”. It uses floating encircling nets and small boats equipped with lamps, it does not damage the seabed and has a sustainable impact on marine ecosystems. Calabraittica uses only Mediterranean fish, caught by Italian boats, processed and packaged in its factory in Anoia, in the province of Reggio Calabria. The company is certified by Friend of the Sea.

Company Details

Sezioni Salse, Conserve, Confetture e Marmellate
Certificazioni -
Canali di distribuzione Specialized Shops,
Anno di fondazione 1999
Paesi dove esporta attualmente -
Paesi target -
Per private-label
Numero di dipendenti 15


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