Cortes de Muar
Cortes de Muar is the project of two brothers, Rita and German, who formed the second generation of a family dairy of Silleda (Galicia-Spain).

n our workshop, we make handmade cheese, in limited production, with the milk of cows grazing freely in the meadows of the area. The mime and dedication with which we work, and the time that we dedicate the each piece that leaves our hands, are mark of identity of the mark.

In addition to the traditional recipe of the family, with which we elaborate the rich and creamy Mimosas, we also venture to incorporate other techniques of elaboration and refinement inspired by international varieties, always providing our personal "savoir faire".

Meet the queens of this particular court where everything responds to the "M" of his beautiful muar. MMM...

Company Details

Sezioni Formaggi e Prodotti Caseari
Certificazioni -
Canali di distribuzione
Anno di fondazione 1985
Paesi dove esporta attualmente France, Germany, Spain, United Kingdom, United States of America
Paesi target -
Per private-label
Numero di dipendenti -


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