Costa Ligure Srl

Regione Prati Pescine, Taggia (IM)
Costa Ligure Srl
COSTA LIGURE, founded in 1988, is a leading manufacturer of pesto, sauces and vegetable preserves in oil.  Costa Ligure is specialized in the production of fresh long shelf-life Pesto alla Genovese whose process consists in a completely natural way to preserve over time the taste, color, and flavor of the product. We produce in our plants both the vegetable raw materials such as basil, arugula, sage, rosemary, dill and coriander  and the finished products. Each step is rigorously tested by our internal laboratory. Thanks to all this, we work with major European and non-European groups that every year confirm their confidence in our new projects and products. In Costa Ligure the customers always find a unique combination of industrial safety and the handmade products quality. 

Company Details

Sezioni Salse, Conserve, Confetture e Marmellate
Certificazioni BRC (Standard British Retail Consortium GDO), BIO
Canali di distribuzione Importatori, Distributori, Grossisti
Anno di fondazione 1988
Paesi dove esporta attualmente Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Japan, Latvia, Mauritius, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America
Paesi target -
Per private-label
Numero di dipendenti 60


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