DOMUS VINI winery was founded in the early ‘900 in the Veneto area near Venice by the Vedovato family.

The Vedovato family is the protagonist in the selection of the best Italian wines that with skillful mastery and deep knowledge has been able to offer to its clients in over a century of history.

DOMUS VINI offers a wide range of wines - from fresh to vintage aged in oak barrel, red full-bodied and elegant sparkling wines like Prosecco.

The quality of our wines is increasingly rewarded by the most prestigiuos European wines competitions.

DOMUS VINI production is the result of a careful selection - only the best grapes are selected in Veneto and in Italy to produce our wines, aiming to bring great quality to our clients. 

DOMUS VINI distributes its wines in the HO.RE.CA. channel with the following brands: Domus Vini, Cà delle Rose and Novacorte.

Company Details

Sezioni Vini e Distillati
Certificazioni IFS (Standard International Food Standard GDO)
Canali di distribuzione HO.RE.CA. - DISTRIBUTORS - IMPORTERS - GDO
Anno di fondazione -
Paesi dove esporta attualmente Germany, Poland, Denmark, Netherlands, Vietnam, China, Hong Kong, Japan, United States of America, United Kingdom, Ireland, Niger, Canada, Belgium, Russia
Paesi target United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, Australia, United States of America, Brazil, Canada, Belarus, Japan, Taiwan, Macao, Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand, Tanzania, South Africa, Croatia, South Korea, Germany
Per private-label
Numero di dipendenti -


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