Borges Blanques,3
We elaborate high quality, gluten free dry sausages close to Barcelona such as chorizo, salchichon, longaniza, fuet. Some of our products are also lactose free. Our experience making and exporting pork charcuterie go hand in hand with our innovation: in 2011, we launched the first 100% turkey dry sausage in our country, following the needs of the market for a healthier, less fat diet. Our last novelty is a tasty range of pork and turkey SNACKS with different flavours to take away. At present, we are launching a CLEAN LABLE range of products for clients that are looking for artificial additives free cured sausages.

Company Details

Sezioni Carne e Salumi
Certificazioni -
Canali di distribuzione
Anno di fondazione 1916
Paesi dove esporta attualmente -
Paesi target -
Per private-label
Numero di dipendenti -


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