Fattoria La Vialla

Via di Meliciano 26, 52100 Arezzo - Italy
Fattoria La Vialla
Fattoria La Vialla is a family-run and operated farm and wine estate: it has always been organic and is officially so since 1983. It's special because it does everything "in house", growing and transforming the products of the earth. Our products include red, white, sparkling and dessert wine, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Apetizers, Pasta Sauces, Sweets and much more.
Since 2014 Fattoria La Vialla has been officially recognised by natureOffice as a Carbon Neutral farm and we're proud to say that as of 2020 the company is certified "climate positive". In 2017 we  received the prestigious B.A.U.M. (German Environmental Management Association) Environmental Award for outstanding commitment to environment protection and sustainable devellopment.

Company Details

Sezioni Salse, Conserve, Confetture e Marmellate
Olio e Aceto
Vini e Distillati
Certificazioni FSMA Food Safety System FDA, BIO, IGP - Indicazione Geografica Protetta
Canali di distribuzione Direct to Customer and for the USA trough the 3 tier system (Importer-Wholesale-Retailer)
Anno di fondazione 1978
Paesi dove esporta attualmente Germany, United States of America
Paesi target United States of America
Per private-label No
Numero di dipendenti 200


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