Via Lauro Ferrarini 1 - 42020 Reggio Emilia - Italy
Ferrarini SpA
Since 1956, when we first created our famous polyphosphate-free cooked ham, Ferrarini has made producing good food that fits into a healthy and balanced diet its hallmark. All of our cured meats are ideal for coeliacs, as they are gluten-free, and they are also suitable for those with lactose or milk protein allergies or intolerances.
The production process is monitored internally and certified, including the creation of our Parmigiano Reggiano cheese, and the production of wines and traditional Reggio Emilia balsamic vinegar using only grapes from our own vineyards. We have always taken great care and used our experience to check the quality of our raw materials, find good ingredients, and use them in our production process. In this way, tradition can be transformed into great-tasting masterpieces.

Company Details

Sezioni Carne e Salumi
Certificazioni ISO 22000:2005 Sistema di Gestione per la Sicurezza Alimentare, BRC (Standard British Retail Consortium GDO), IFS (Standard International Food Standard GDO)
Canali di distribuzione GDO - normal trade - horeca
Anno di fondazione 1956
Paesi dove esporta attualmente Hong Kong, Japan, Lebanon, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, United States of America
Paesi target Belgium, Brazil, France, Germany, Netherlands, Thailand, United Kingdom
Per private-label Non Ancora
Numero di dipendenti 300


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