Gruppo Grifo Agroalimentare

Strada dei Loggi 59 - Ponte San GIovanni Perugia
Gruppo Grifo Agroalimentare

Gruppo Grifo Agroalimentare
- usually  known as Grifo Latte -  is a Cooperative of milk producers (mainly Frisian breed)  established in 1962; its production activities started in 1969 and have continued uninterruptedly since then.
Our Headquarter is  located  in Perugia, Umbria in Central Italy  but most of our breeders and members of the co-operative live  and have their activities in  the beautiful area of  Monti Sibillini National Park.
The Cooperative grew significantly over the years and  thanks to some aimed operations (as for example the acquisition of a Diary Plant in Fossato di Vico - PG)  Grifo  was also allowed to enter the cheese-making business (brand Norcia), which would become in the following years the real feather in the cap of the Company, or the legumes production (grown in the same Sibillini Area too)  as well as the “ready to serve” Delicatessen section under the brand Corradi Il Gastronomo.

MILK AND MILK DERIVATES: UHT milk, HIGHT QUALITY fresh milk, pasteurized milk, fresh cream, UHT cream, mascarpone, butter, yogurt.

CHEESE AND SPUN CHEESE: caciotta (cheese made from cow’s milk), mixed milk cheese, sheep’s milkcheese fresh and aged, primo sale (cheese made from cow’s milk with reduced aging), ricotta, mozzarella, scamorza (spun cheese from cow’s milk).

GASTRONOMY: sauces, savoury and sweet bakery, first courses, main courses and side dishes, ready meals.


Company Details

Sezioni Formaggi e Prodotti Caseari
Certificazioni ISO 22000:2005 Sistema di Gestione per la Sicurezza Alimentare, ISO 22005:2005 Sistema di Gestione per la Tracciabilità di Filiera, BRC (Standard British Retail Consortium GDO), IFS (Standard International Food Standard GDO), KOSHER, DOP - Denominazione di origine protetta, IGP - Indicazione Geografica Protetta
Canali di distribuzione
Anno di fondazione 1962
Paesi dove esporta attualmente -
Paesi target Albania, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Croatia, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, Germany, Indonesia, Latvia, Netherlands, Oman, Qatar, Romania, Russia, South Africa, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America
Per private-label
Numero di dipendenti 500


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