Hermanos Marichica

Hermanos Marichica
In the subbetica cordobesa, there are a wide variety of olives trees, but the most common it’s “picudo” (we also have picual and hojiblanca in our lands). Our extra virgin olive oil is a coupage from picual, picuda y hojiblanca , guaranteeing a very balanced oil and the perfect ally for your kitchen. We call this “the art of mixing oils”, since, like perfumers, we are changing the proportions of the different juices obtained from the different varieties of olives, until we find our “particular house flavor”.

Company Details

Sezioni Olio e Aceto
Certificazioni DOP - Denominazione di origine protetta
Canali di distribuzione
Anno di fondazione -
Paesi dove esporta attualmente -
Paesi target -
Per private-label Non Specificato
Numero di dipendenti -


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