Impresos y Manipulados Sanchis

Comunidad Valenciana
Músico Vicente Sanchis, 1 y 2 03860 Lorcha (Alicante)
Impresos y Manipulados Sanchis
Printed and Manipulated Sanchis, S.L. is a prominent paper bag printer specialized in the food sector, experience that captures in its papers and paper bags.

IMSANCHIS is committed to quality and service to its customers. As could not be otherwise, the effort and dedication of recent years with constant investment has consolidated us within the sector as one of the companies prepared both technically and humanly to meet the demands of today's markets.

Company Details

Sezioni Attrezzature
Certificazioni -
Canali di distribuzione Distributor
Anno di fondazione 1985
Paesi dove esporta attualmente -
Paesi target Belgium, France, Italy, Portugal
Per private-label
Numero di dipendenti 40


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