Lusitania Food
 Swine exploitation located in the southwest of Extremadura, Cuna del Jamón de Bellota. We have pasture, livestock, factory and own cellars as well as "White Room" with personal equipment for the different types of sliced ​​and packaged by vacuum or by Inert Gas. We offer a series of Iberian products of own elaboration and artisan, hams, paletas and sausages of pure Iberian pigs of bellota raised in the Dehesa Extremeña. As Quality Suppliers, a selection of the best varieties of coffee, made in Portugal for us, cheeses and a wide offer of wines as well as extra virgin oils of the highest quality. We are parthers exporters of recognized and awarded companies and given our infrastructure we are very competitive in price and practical in logistics and distribution. Visit our website and start savoring our offer, contact us, we will be delighted. 

Company Details

Sezioni Carne e Salumi
Olio e Aceto
Vini e Distillati
Certificazioni -
Canali di distribuzione
Anno di fondazione -
Paesi dove esporta attualmente -
Paesi target -
Per private-label Non Specificato
Numero di dipendenti -


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