Montaldo Langhe

Località Nespolo, 1 | Cissone (CN) | 12050
Montaldo Langhe
In the 40s Mario Montaldo developed a great passion for bee-keeping and the dream of bringing Langhe’s honey around the world. His concept of beekeeping was simple: take the honey from the hive and deliver it to the consumer without any additions. There would have been no need to alter the product if the bees were respected and could have worked quietly in an unspoiled place like the Piedmont Langhe. He never achieved his dream.
Fortunately, however, after his death, a nephew named Matteo Montaldo was born, who, hearing the numerous stories about his grandfather since he was young, decided to achieve that goal. For this mission he took with him his dear friend Aristote Kiakubuka, and together they want to honor "grandfather Mario" by distinguishing honey produced according to his methods with the surname he was proud of. Montaldo Langhe is a young company but it has very ancient roots.

Company Details

Sezioni Prodotti da Forno, Dolci e Snacks
Certificazioni -
Canali di distribuzione
Anno di fondazione -
Paesi dove esporta attualmente -
Paesi target -
Per private-label Non Specificato
Numero di dipendenti -


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