Panificio Lemayr srl

Trentino-Alto Adige
via Zuegg 31
Trentino-Alto Adige.png
Panificio Lemayr srl
Since 1801 Lemayr is the story of a bakery that since 9 generations is passing from father to daughter and son. 
31 direct management stores.
Lemayr is supplier of  many GDO clients.
Frozen cooked, preleavened, parbaked, in dough products.
Certified and high quality raw materials.

Company Details

Sezioni Prodotti da Forno, Dolci e Snacks
Surgelati e Gelati
Certificazioni IFS (Standard International Food Standard GDO)
Canali di distribuzione GDO- Retailer - Horeca
Anno di fondazione 1801
Paesi dove esporta attualmente United States of America
Paesi target Canada, Denmark, France, Netherlands, Sweden, United States of America
Per private-label Non Ancora
Numero di dipendenti 140


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