PERRINI Organic Wine in Natural Farm

Masseria Carabella 74011 Castellaneta Ta Puglia
PERRINI Organic Wine in Natural Farm
PERRINI Organic Vine & Wines is a Vineyard and a winery firm, extend for 50 hectares and specialized in organic production of elegant and certified high quality wines, in complete respect of health and environment. Achievement of a hard working family, knotted at generous and sunny land of Apulia, maintain with ardency the culture of tradition.
Located in Castellaneta , Rudolph Valentino’s native town (the myth of mute cinema), in south of Italy, exactly in Apulia Salento Territory, on Jonio Sea, in the heart of Mediterranean, in Magna Graecia land, few kilometers far from Hera’s Temple in Metaponto and “Gold of Taranto’s archeological Museum.
From the Vineyard to the bottle, all productive operations are developed in the winery professionally and warmly since the origin. Everything is well done, the implant of the sprouts in the soil, growing, developing, grape’s selection, handy harvest in little cases, and vinification on hulls with a monitored temperature, soft pressing, natural decanting, ageing in underground caves, bottling and packaging for commercialization
The firm, is located in a strategic position between sea and hillside, where “terroir” is propitious to agriculture, where vines and olives growth since ancientness. Astride of two regions: Apulia and Basilicata, in the “ Ravines Land ” (Terra delle Gravine), full of precious treasures and pasts heritages like cliff -caved grottos, Aragon’s Castles, Romans Cathedrals and churches, Alberobello’s Trulli, Castellana’a Grottos and “Sassi” stone caved homes in Matera.

Company Details

Sezioni Vini e Distillati
Certificazioni IGP - Indicazione Geografica Protetta, DOP - Denominazione di origine protetta
Canali di distribuzione importatori,
Anno di fondazione 1993
Paesi dove esporta attualmente United States of America, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, United Kingdom, Switzerland
Paesi target -
Per private-label
Numero di dipendenti 15


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