c.da Pietre Bianche
Sagiostese S.r.l. is a company born in Italy in 2016. It is the owner of the Buon Appetito Chef! Brand and the related processing know-how. The partners are Italian business man joint by a great passion for high quality food.
The company focus is to let know Buon Appetito Chef! ready meals brand in Italy and in the world.
The company manufactures: first, second and finger food products of high gastronomy prepared with ingredients chosen among the excellences of the Sicilian territory (Italy).
The recipes and dishes are designed and made by the well-known star chef, Pietro d'Agostino, who has chosen the ingredients and he prepared for us the best dishes of the Mediterranean tradition reinterpred in a modern key.

Company Details

Sezioni Pasta, Riso, Farina e Pizza
Surgelati e Gelati
Certificazioni -
Canali di distribuzione e GDO
Anno di fondazione 2016
Paesi dove esporta attualmente Italy
Paesi target Austria, Belgium, China, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, United States of America
Per private-label
Numero di dipendenti 5


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