Sicilian Factory is a young, dynamic and modern company closely linked to the tradition and flavors of the Sicilian territory.
The company was born from the entrepreneurial initiative of Calogero Siracusa, flanked by a team of qualified people with twenty years of experience in the Gourmet sector. Sicilian Factory in jams and extra citrus jams and other typical Sicilian fruits and  offers products with a high culinary profile, based on the concept of "clean label“ - it does not introduce any foreign chemical ingredients. It Is attentive to consumer needs and sensitive to the values ​​of bio-diversity and eco-sustainability.  "We particularly care about the environment but above all who lives it". We think that the added value of everything is people:

We choose the fields, the people and we take care of our project from the Earth to the transformation to offer genuine, authentic, real products. Free from chemistry and pesticides.

We select only the highest quality raw materials for our products, the principle followed is that if the fruit is good it will be the same for the jams and extra jams.

The ingredients of our success are a continuous attention to the quality of the products, the ability to interpret the evolving needs of consumers, adapting the offer and expanding it in ever new tastes and types and, above all, the relationship of total trust with the suppliers farmers for the purchase of the raw material this allows us to have an advantage in the acquisition of high quality fruits from the best production areas of Sicily.
The thing we like to say when we present our products is that to make them come so good we love to abound with fruit.

But what do we do to make them so good?
Very high percentages of fresh fruit (ranging from a minimum of 90 g of fruit per 100 g of product to a maximum of 140 g)
The fruit is all Sicilian
Clean label: clean, short and nutritionally correct list of ingredients, the only main ingredient is the raw material
No use of any chemical component (eg pectin or acidity correctors)
No lactose for spread cream
Product shelf life of an average of 24 months. 

Company Details

Sezioni Salse, Conserve, Confetture e Marmellate
Certificazioni -
Canali di distribuzione
Anno di fondazione -
Paesi dove esporta attualmente -
Paesi target -
Per private-label Non Specificato
Numero di dipendenti -


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