Società Agricola Swiss Olives S.S.

Podere 747/a, Via Squadre Basse 2, Località Casotto dei Pescatori, 58100 Grosseto
Società Agricola Swiss Olives S.S.

Tuscan Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil

In Tuscany, a land devoted to the culture of olive oil since the beginning of time, we passionately protect our olive trees and their produce.

We extract the finest, fresh and full-bodied organic extra virgin olive oil, characterized by distinguishing aromas and flavors, rich in polyphenols, and other healthy nutrients.

The “elixir of long life”, an invaluable food for body and mind, the superlative cornerstone of the Mediterranean diet, a unique experience for all senses. Our Oil is divine, It is strong, it is aromatic, it is earthly, it is real!

We sustain biodiversity and respect the environment for future generations.

Company Details

Sezioni Olio e Aceto
Certificazioni BIO, IGP - Indicazione Geografica Protetta, DOP - Denominazione di origine protetta
Canali di distribuzione Direct
Anno di fondazione 2019
Paesi dove esporta attualmente -
Paesi target Luxembourg, Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States of America, China, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Belgium
Per private-label Non Ancora
Numero di dipendenti 3


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