Bodión S/N 15930 Boiro (A Coruña) - SPAIN
Jealsa is the leader of the Spanish canned food producers. 2 production sites in Spain, 1 in Brazil and 1 in Chile. Owner of reputed brands like MARE APERTO (Italian market), RIANXEIRA, ESCURÍS and ROBINSON CRUSOE (America). Specialist in private label, we produce the 42% of all the tuna consumed in the retailers from Spain. Near 700 Million Euros of turnover, 50% of which is from international operations

Company Details

Sezioni Salse, Conserve, Confetture e Marmellate
Certificazioni ISO 22000:2005 Sistema di Gestione per la Sicurezza Alimentare, ISO 22005:2005 Sistema di Gestione per la Tracciabilità di Filiera, BRC (Standard British Retail Consortium GDO), IFS (Standard International Food Standard GDO), FSMA Food Safety System FDA, BIO
Canali di distribuzione retail, food service, industrial customers
Anno di fondazione 1958
Paesi dove esporta attualmente Spain, France, Italy, Germany, United Kingdom, Czechia, Slovakia, Greece, Hungary, United States of America
Paesi target Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Morocco, Austria
Per private-label
Numero di dipendenti 5.000


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