Tenuta Piano di Rustano

Loc. Piano di Rustano, 5 62022 Castelraimondo (MC) ITALY
Tenuta Piano di Rustano
The Piano di Rustano Estate is located in the high Terre Maceratesi, in the territory of Castelraimondo (MC). We are in Le Marche Region in a hilly area where the climate is more similar to the continental pattern than to the Mediterranean one. Here, At the altitude of 400 m. s.l.m, the significant temperature difference between day and night, affect the biological activity of the vine and allow us to obtain grapes with an extraordinary character in terms of quality and aromas. Verdicchio di Matelica, Malvasia Bianca di Candia, Sangiovese and Merlot are cultivated in total area of ​​about 10 hectares, under the watchful eye of the Sibillini Mountains.  The winery is located on the ground floor of the imposing building of Piano di Rustano, inhabited by the Lebboroni family, owner of the estate for 4 generations. There is also a wine shop where you can do tastings and buy wines, loose and bottled. Our wines are characterized by fresh drinkability and the ability, with just one sip, to give free play to our senses. They are virtuous wines of rare elegance, confident but discreet. Wines that despite the fatigue of being born in the mountains, do not fear the passing of time.

Company Details

Sezioni Vini e Distillati
Certificazioni -
Canali di distribuzione Ho.Re.Ca, Retailer, Wholesaler, Importers, Distributors
Anno di fondazione 2016
Paesi dove esporta attualmente France, Sweden, Ukraine
Paesi target Canada, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Switzerland, United Kingdom
Per private-label Non Ancora
Numero di dipendenti 2


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