Via Provinciale Teggiano Polla
Tostini Caffè
Tostini represents the most authentic of Mediterranean tradition. Fine Coffee beans roasted using the same techiniques implemented in the ancient art of roasting. The Company is located in south Italy in province of Salerno and is led by the Tostini's Brothers Max and Désirée. The siblings'Mediterranean passion has created an unique product that , in just few years , has managed too conquer to most refined palates , becoming a point of reference for coffee culture.

Company Details

Sezioni Caffé, Tè, Infusi e Bevande calde
Certificazioni KOSHER
Canali di distribuzione Vending Retail
Anno di fondazione 2006
Paesi dove esporta attualmente Bulgaria, Czechia, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, Italy, Slovakia, United Arab Emirates, United States of America
Paesi target Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, Greece, Israel, Japan, United Kingdom, United States of America
Per private-label No
Numero di dipendenti 15-20


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