unica il cestino di pane s a s

produzione cestini di pane / basket bread Featured Image

produzione cestini di pane / basket bread

After many years in the food service field, we wanted to contribute too to make changes in the HO.RE.CA. sector; with an eye to the environmental safeguard and to aesthetics.

So, we realised a line of edible, compostable and biodegradable plates.  

The natural aspect of bread, the compactness of endurance and versatility in the utilisation renders them the choice of international chefs and all those who are environmentally friendly. 

Particular attention was given to: Vegetarians, Vegans, intolerants to milk and eggs and with the addition of vegetal Gluten Free “CUPS”, which can be heated in the oven to 240° it can include a pathology that often finds it difficult to seek products. 

The Vegan, Bio and IFS certifications obtained in 2018, which implies control on safety in the various working steps with a shelf life of 12 months, have allowed our company to position itself at the first places in the international panorama thanks to the production of comestible, compostable and edible goods for the HO.RE.CA. sector. 

One of the last efforts which UNICA IL CESTINO DI PANE made has been listening to the sound of the sea and contributing to its safeguard with Gluten Free Straws made of Bio paste.

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